8 Ways to Boost Productivity on Your Next Drover Trip

Most of us start scrolling social media the moment we get into a cab. How else are you going to spend that time, right?

Wrong. There are so many ways you can turn a boring ride into an interesting adventure. You simply need to be a bit creative.

Why not work on your productivity during the ride? You’ll turn every working day into a rewarding experience. 

Here are the best ways to use the free time on your next Drover Rideshare trip to supercharge your productivity.

1. Create a To-Do List

To-do lists are some of the most important elements of your every working day. Your days may easily become hectic if you don’t prepare a list of important tasks before going to work.

A Drover ride is an ideal time to create a to-do list for the day ahead.

Think of all the tasks on your plate and set priorities. You’ll know what to tackle first once you clock in. Organize your every day like this, and you’ll never have to deal with missed deadlines and clutter.

2. Manage Your Emails

Speaking of clutter, when was the last time you sorted through your emails? You can’t stay very organized if you keep a cluttered inbox.

Take the time to filter through your emails while riding to work. You’ll save quite a lot of time that you can use for something more meaningful.

Most of us don’t like responding to emails at home. We simply don’t want to spend that time doing anything work-related. So, we leave it for the office.

However, you greatly hurt your productivity if you keep checking your email at work. What’s more, all the notifications kill your productivity and make it challenging to get back in the game.

The most vital thing you should do is either disable email alerts or schedule them for a particular time. Then, make it a habit to check and respond to emails during short cab rides.


3. Learn a New Language

Does your job require you to learn a new language? Do you work for an international company and want to improve your foreign language skills? 

A Drover trip is excellent for brushing up on your knowledge.

There are a lot of mobile apps you can use to hone your language skills on the go. A lot of them are absolutely free. They’re all designed to make learning fun, so you’ll certainly have quite an enjoyable experience.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Are you looking forward to your daily taxi ride to work because it’s the only stress-free time of your working day?

You’re not alone. 

But you can make it much more relaxing if you use it to practice mindfulness. Meditation is one of the best ways to reduce stress, increase productivity, and generally feel much better.

Numerous studies have shown over and over that even a 10-minute daily meditation can be extremely beneficial to your health.

The essential benefits of meditation include:

  • Stress reduction

  • Anxiety control

  • Improved memory and focus

  • Enhanced emotional intelligence

  • A more powerful sense of self-awareness

  • Better physical and mental health

There are many meditation apps for helping you practice mindfulness, so be sure to give them a try. Some even let you set the session length – perfect for a taxi trip.

Don’t want your rideshare driver to think you’re weird? First of all, you shouldn’t care. Do what makes you happy.

But there’s a perfect trick to avoid feeling uncomfortable. Simply put on your headphones and sunglasses, close your eyes, press play, and unwind for the rest of your trip.

5. Catch up on Industry News

It’s very important to stay in the loop in the business world. When you stay up-to-date with the latest news in your industry, you can continually grow and improve.

Is your next Drover trip going to take about 15 minutes or more? Use that time to read up on the latest news to see what’s going on in the business world.

You can even watch an interview with an industry leader who may share some innovative tactics for boosting productivity. Every day is an opportunity to learn something new.

6. Grow Your Professional Network

One of the best ways to grow your professional network is, of course, networking. It’s an excellent way to make new and strengthen existing connections.

You can always benefit from meaningful relationships with thought leaders, influencers, and many other important people in your industry. So, take the time to forge and nurture your business relationships.

A longer Drover ride can be ideal for reaching out to the people in your network and maintaining fruitful relationships.


7. Work on Your Weekly Goals

Do you need to give a presentation soon? Are you preparing a sales pitch for an important client? 

A Drover trip can save the day once again!

You can practice everything in your head during the ride to make sure you’re in complete control. You don’t want to look like an amateur if you forget something and start feeling nervous, do you?

Just don’t do it at the last moment. Take a couple of days to practice, and you’ll successfully achieve your goal.

8. Tune Into Your Favorite Podcast

Podcasts usually last from 20 to 45 minutes, so it’s not exactly useful to play one during a short Drover drive.

Listen to a podcast when you need to commute longer. Otherwise, you’ll have trouble focusing on what the host and their guests are talking about.

But why podcasts? Because lots of industry experts run podcasts these days. You have an opportunity to learn from them and become much better at what you do.

Do your homework and find the best podcasts that tackle various topics related to your business. You should listen to them regularly whenever you can, but your next Drover ride is a perfect time to start.

Feeling productive yet? 

You will soon enough if you start following these tips. You’ll be a productivity master before you know it. Download the Driver Rideshare app today and let’s take care of the transportation while you focus on your business.