Meet Drover Team

Volvo Cars Soon to Boast Fully Electric Fleet

Volvo Cars Soon to Boast Fully Electric Fleet

In light of Tesla's phenomenal success, many car manufacturers are releasing plug-in electric hybrids and fully-electric cars. Volvo Cars, however, is taking this trend to a whole new level. Founded in 1927, Volvo Cars has announced intentions to build an electric motor into every car in their fleet by 2019 -- just two short years away. This transition will mark the end of an era as over the past century the company has powered their cars solely by the internal combustion engine. 

Meet Warren Williams -- Robotics Engineer

Meet Warren Williams -- Robotics Engineer

Warren Williams has had a phenomenal career as a robotics engineer and now joins Drover as head of our new robotics division. He works at the CLARCOR Innovation Center facility in Columbia TN and will soon be joining Drover's team as head of our new robotics division. 

Meet Mrs. Drover - Dr. Scarlett Garland

Meet Mrs. Drover - Dr. Scarlett Garland

Jeffrey Garland, Founder and CEO of Drover, wouldn't be the same man -- and Drover wouldn't be the same company - without his wife, Dr. Scarlett Garland, DNP. Since Jeff and Scarlett married in November 2015, Scarlett has dutifully supported Jeff's entrepreneurial spirit and initiative in founding Drover. In addition to being Jeff's #! advocate and supporter, she leads an accomplished career as a Doctor of Nurse Practice.

Meet Neel Patel

Meet Neel Patel

Hey everyone! My name is Neel Patel and I am an iOS Developer at Drover Rideshare. I am from India and moved to United States back in 2009. I lived in New Jersey for about 8 months before moving to Tennessee. I live in Cookeville, Tennessee and went to highschool there. I earned my Bachelors Degree in Computer Science at Tennessee Technological University.